jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Final essay of "oil of dog"by Ambrose Bierce


Always we had seen that in the society there are different types of ignorance or stupid things of world that determine our situation, for example today just to see everybody with those stupid selfie sticks only worrying about how “beautiful” they are we understand that the society sucks and the future generations are condemned to an elitist future, or as another example of this just by see how many people left the knowledge or education in the oblivion replacing everything by the unstoppable wish of money, just with the excuse that even an ignorant can made something with his or her life and there is no time for education. This is so sad because if we remember the enlightenment there was a thirst of knowledge and the privilege of knowing almost how to read and learn was a really big treasure, so if today everybody is free to have education why not all do it?, And here the problematic born and from that it born a hypothesis, why some people prefer live in an ignorant society than have an education? My hypothesis say that first of all to our government is better to have stupid citizens who don’t react about what they are doing with our country and second is that since the last ten years with all the capitalism and new tendency of consumerism, the facts of have a good education or a complete knowledge are not consider as lucrative because why finish the school when you could be earning money?.

And I really think this is the truth about that because today the ignorance of the people is greater than anything, and yes everybody knows how to add and rest but if that is the case why there are some kids working outside? They could have education, or why there are a lot of dumb people that finding themselves without any knowledge recur to the violence or delinquency? We doesn’t know anything about what our life is and our real situation  because or we doesn’t care, we doesn’t  have money or we just think in money, this is why people could learn at schools or universities, the knowledge and the education give a better alternative about what we can be in a future. And also is just better to have knowledge and be smart than be plastic and dumb as a joke in the street. Now some context quotes.

“…In performance of this duty I sometimes had need of all my natural intelligence for all the law officers of the vicinity were opposed to my mother's business.” oil of dog, Ambrose Bierce

“…I might naturally have been expected to become vicious and dissolute, but I did not. The holy influence of my dear mother was ever about me to protect me from the temptations which beset youth, and my father was a deacon in a church. Alas, that through my fault these estimable persons should have come to so bad an end!”oíl of dog,Ambrose Bierce

These quotes of the story show how the main character was an ignorant in his life that just thinks in work more than in his education, at the end he doesn’t have better options for his live, in the first one he says that he only uses his natural intelligence so that mean that he was not a genius more than what he know because we wasn’t studying  when he can and his knowledge was limited, and the second one express how he replace intelligence to affront difficult situations by “the holy influence of his mother” and the church, just as a lot of people do because they doesn’t know.

The relation of this with Colombia is pretty simple because Colombia is one of those countries with the worst education of the world and is also a poor country, and there are a lot of ignorant people like farmers or just poor people that can pay for education. That know better only how to work manually than make an equation because is their culture (as the case of the man in the story oil dog) so the case is the same, there are a lot of people in Colombia that have diferents grades of ignorance’s as their manner of behave and culture, as the example of the ones that can have any education because they can pay it or the plastic and elitist people that are dumb for only worry about themselves and the stinging avaricious people that only cares about money. Colombia is an ignorant country too because the ones that have knowledge and education knows how is the country but doesn’t make anything for improve it.

So to conclude this we must mention again the importance of have a good knowledge and an education because both of them can open a large of doors of opportunities to us and make the world more conscious about what we are now and were we are going but also is sad to discover at the end that we are ignorant even when we can have education living in an world that need the idea I mention before for not be fooled by those who believe timely have an ignorant country, we must improve because “an ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own  destruction”

Ludy Gabriela Fierro Heredia, Bogotá D.C

31 of march, 2016

Bibliography: quote of Simon Bolívar: http://quotesgram.com/simon-bolivar-quotes-in-spanish/

sábado, 12 de marzo de 2016

How the widow won the deacon by William James Lampton

Activity: write a comment relating literature and online marketing

The literature in the web is an alternative for have in a physical way of the books ,is a good and cheap alternative that is getting stronger every day ,we can say that there is a struggle between literature on the internet and by the other hand the necessity of having in physical de book for  read it , a point that is in favor of the literature in the web are the free samples of any book and the pdf, the opportunity of download the book you were searching for keeping in your electronic device, but in the moment of choose randomly a book on the internet there are not many things that can guide or support you to buy a book, the internet doesn't specify or shows to the readers the plot of a book, it doesn't deliver a good synopsis for make the book or tale look more attractive and catchy to the readers, this is just the example of the web page "boo ganga" with the book "how the widow won the deacon" by William James Lampton.

The concept of this is the online marketing and the meaning to see this is just like as strategies or tools that make  methodologies used for promoting products and services or anything through the Internet, we must say that the free samples of a book are good techniques that invite us to buy the book but this is only when you know what is the book you want to read but in the case that I mention before the readers only have to conform with  the basic information about the book for example of which category or genre belongs, the author that wrote  it , the languages that haves , the date of the publication and number of  pages , also we can see an image of the book, but it would be better if they give or we can find there in the page more information about  the author some references of he or she, in another way to see this we can say that they limited themselves for not put effort into what they sell, they make us think that the book or the product does not have interest and it is better find some other page or alternative. the story develops  basically in a conversation between religious sisters that has as topic the recent relationship between a widow called Kate Stimson and the deacon Hawkins, this may be doesn't sound like the most attractive plot ever of a book but after read it I can say it is a good book ,the web site limits us and themselves  of an interesting book we can enjoy and now finally I think that buying a book in his physical adaption can't compare to have it on your phone, going to a library searching a book is just better than looking in a web site, in a library we have the advantage that any book speaks for itself there just with looking it by the back part, every book persuading you to buy it ,making asking you  what book is going to be the one who enter to your soul and heart forever, because I think that is what make books ,in a web site this dies because it makes books looks just like boring things.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2016

The Hanging Stranger by Philip K. Dick

Activity: write a critique using Colombian context

the hanging stranger is a fictitious story  that talks about Edward C. Loyce, a man who discovers one day going to the work  a man hanging from a lamppost and also discover  that he is the only one who can see it  later on as the example of the hanging stranger  he discover that the society is basically manage by aliens that every time are around us and are our government and are in our future but all the people  just seems like if they didn't  care and just think that Loyce needs some mental help , Loyce is the only man in his city who notice this and recognize the truth in front of his eyes.

Here in Colombia we have many examples of the daily life that can be similar with this situations,  this is just like a murder in a neighborhood in Medellin or any place of Colombia  or the elections of the president, mayor or politician, in a murder in a neighborhood maybe everybody can knows who is the killer but just they don't tell anything or give help because they don't look that situation as a personal problem so they don't care even when they can  do something, sadly in this country we are used to see the problems and don't make anything for solving it, it is good for the government to keep in silence the people without any controversial voice they can hear to make the people wake up. and in the second example of the democratic elections here in Colombia we have the problem that a higher porcentaje of the citizens doesn't vote for chose a new president or mayor, they have the excuse of "every candidate is just a corrupt thieve that only steals our money" in some cases this is the true but if that high porcentaje stop being indifferent to choose our leaders and decided to vote would this make the change and show a good democracy demonstrating the people power  (the true democracy meaning) in the country because if we are not join to choose something that involve each person we are just letting our future to the an unknown trash, and maybe they must vote for every citizen have an acceptation about who is going to representing us,  as examples like this in our country we have many we can even go in past to the slavery times when humans intelligence was as a donkey intelligence ,at that time some people was conscious about  the horrible facts of slavery but they just keep in silence ,was just in the independence when the slavery comes down  and the independence was a revolution of people that do not ignore the aliens or the hanging man. everybody has the truth in their eyes but we just can call warriors the ones as Loyce  that have the truth also in their mouths, hearts and actions. but sadly if we remember and analyze the last part of the story only the warriors ends dead after all they fight, this is a reflexión of the story that tells that the briefs ones are the ones who die before everyone, a true  message for society. 

I really like this story because of the message that is behind of all, that calling of don't stay in silence forever for look and analyze in a good future the truth we deserve, no matter if is even the government or the same people who live with us in society the ones who doesn't want let us see it, human beings must be brave and vote , denounce and do not ignore the aliens that are masquerading as humans an also don't ignore the man hanged because by the end surrounding  the whole story and analyzing well the origin of he  we can conclude the hanging stranger is a sign that invokes the destruction of silence and tells us simply that something is not right and someone else in the past pay the consequences of realizing it .We do not know if some day we can become the hanging stranger.