jueves, 31 de marzo de 2016

Final essay of "oil of dog"by Ambrose Bierce


Always we had seen that in the society there are different types of ignorance or stupid things of world that determine our situation, for example today just to see everybody with those stupid selfie sticks only worrying about how “beautiful” they are we understand that the society sucks and the future generations are condemned to an elitist future, or as another example of this just by see how many people left the knowledge or education in the oblivion replacing everything by the unstoppable wish of money, just with the excuse that even an ignorant can made something with his or her life and there is no time for education. This is so sad because if we remember the enlightenment there was a thirst of knowledge and the privilege of knowing almost how to read and learn was a really big treasure, so if today everybody is free to have education why not all do it?, And here the problematic born and from that it born a hypothesis, why some people prefer live in an ignorant society than have an education? My hypothesis say that first of all to our government is better to have stupid citizens who don’t react about what they are doing with our country and second is that since the last ten years with all the capitalism and new tendency of consumerism, the facts of have a good education or a complete knowledge are not consider as lucrative because why finish the school when you could be earning money?.

And I really think this is the truth about that because today the ignorance of the people is greater than anything, and yes everybody knows how to add and rest but if that is the case why there are some kids working outside? They could have education, or why there are a lot of dumb people that finding themselves without any knowledge recur to the violence or delinquency? We doesn’t know anything about what our life is and our real situation  because or we doesn’t care, we doesn’t  have money or we just think in money, this is why people could learn at schools or universities, the knowledge and the education give a better alternative about what we can be in a future. And also is just better to have knowledge and be smart than be plastic and dumb as a joke in the street. Now some context quotes.

“…In performance of this duty I sometimes had need of all my natural intelligence for all the law officers of the vicinity were opposed to my mother's business.” oil of dog, Ambrose Bierce

“…I might naturally have been expected to become vicious and dissolute, but I did not. The holy influence of my dear mother was ever about me to protect me from the temptations which beset youth, and my father was a deacon in a church. Alas, that through my fault these estimable persons should have come to so bad an end!”oíl of dog,Ambrose Bierce

These quotes of the story show how the main character was an ignorant in his life that just thinks in work more than in his education, at the end he doesn’t have better options for his live, in the first one he says that he only uses his natural intelligence so that mean that he was not a genius more than what he know because we wasn’t studying  when he can and his knowledge was limited, and the second one express how he replace intelligence to affront difficult situations by “the holy influence of his mother” and the church, just as a lot of people do because they doesn’t know.

The relation of this with Colombia is pretty simple because Colombia is one of those countries with the worst education of the world and is also a poor country, and there are a lot of ignorant people like farmers or just poor people that can pay for education. That know better only how to work manually than make an equation because is their culture (as the case of the man in the story oil dog) so the case is the same, there are a lot of people in Colombia that have diferents grades of ignorance’s as their manner of behave and culture, as the example of the ones that can have any education because they can pay it or the plastic and elitist people that are dumb for only worry about themselves and the stinging avaricious people that only cares about money. Colombia is an ignorant country too because the ones that have knowledge and education knows how is the country but doesn’t make anything for improve it.

So to conclude this we must mention again the importance of have a good knowledge and an education because both of them can open a large of doors of opportunities to us and make the world more conscious about what we are now and were we are going but also is sad to discover at the end that we are ignorant even when we can have education living in an world that need the idea I mention before for not be fooled by those who believe timely have an ignorant country, we must improve because “an ignorant people is the blind instrument of its own  destruction”

Ludy Gabriela Fierro Heredia, Bogotá D.C

31 of march, 2016

Bibliography: quote of Simon Bolívar: http://quotesgram.com/simon-bolivar-quotes-in-spanish/

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