martes, 7 de junio de 2016

Final essay of "Christmas every day" by William Dean Howells


In the long of the existence of the life, under the behavior of the man, always is seen the manifestation of aspirations, desires or requests by the human being, aspirations or tastes related to the need of this one of don't have the equivalence of a displeasure or anything that could disgust us , towards the man is always searching what can mean to he or she the plenty of his or her lives and tastes focusing again in the satisfaction as something basic on an individual level or aspect that we must take into account,  under this  enter in our minds the impetuous need of that everything arises or have to work according to our individual wills. but we it also enter in our minds the ideal that says that to have what you want in excess isn't good and not everything what is wished always is an own benefit, we must take care of what we want ,thinking in the consequences that express how it is not good to have everything, a point of balance must exist I believe between the perfectionism or human inconformity and also the conformity and stability of this analyzing this concepts and wills here comes  my hypothesis: Which are the limits of the nuisance and of the displeasure in the human being, in the moment to possess everything wished.?

We can take the example of the tale "Christmas everyday" by William Dean Howells, that is just a reflect of this situation in the life of an energetic innocent little girl that at once  wish the eternity or the infinity of Christmas, this act was just because of her own individual wills, she doesn’t take care or think in her family, neighbor ,city or country, In the history after like a week of the same repetitive sequence of the Christmas ,the humanity was extremely tired and everything caused only for the selfish desires of a girl who was refused and negated of have her balance between the good and bad things of hers life, but later the discomfort of the rest of her environment  affect her and she makes questions and start to think later on  the benefits and consequences of what so intensely he had wished, in this part of the story the limits of disgust of a wish were understandable ,but also the quotes of the story later refer to a progressive discomfort by that situation.

“The little girl began to get frightened, keeping the secret all to herself, she wanted to tell her mother, but she didn't dare to, and she was ashamed to ask the Fairy to take back her gift, it seemed ungrateful and ill-bred. So it went on and on, and it was Christmas on St. Valentine's Day and Washington's Birthday, just the same as any day, and it didn't skip even the First of April, though everything was counterfeit that day, and that was some little relief.”-Christmas everyday” by William Dean Howells.

“Before Thanksgiving came it had leaked out who had caused all these Christmases. The little girl had suffered so much that she had talked about it in her sleep, and after that hardly anybody would play with her, because if it had not been for her greediness it wouldn't have happened.” - “Christmas everyday” by William Dean Howells

Thinking now about the people or society in an aspect more realistic (remembering the problematic that comes or is made form by  our greed and satisfaction), if we had in a moment everything what we wish, we would not have limits, the hypothesis asks or establishes how many time  or how much we can support always of having everything to our feet, so well as already I said before if we take into account the greed and conformity that are locate in our  minds, with the desire or problematic we mention before,  the time that we would last or spend  with the same extensive benefits wouldn’t have limits and the limits we would define them only as the commonness of living with what we want, if nowadays in our corrupt society someone wishes massively all the money of the world two moments will exist of fail before this person in spite of the fact that his conformity and satisfaction, the first one of this fail moments would be the commonness of living that express as we can see the routine boredom of living like in case of the example with all the money of the world, this one derives another point of nuisance or failure that is the new search of the satisfaction.

We leave that boredom of something that so much we were coveting or wishing in a moment of past and replace it by another object that also motivates possession and desire, if these two failures are made with success and appear promptly in what we can called the " life dreamed " we would have a limit of the nuisance and of the displeasure that in the moment of possess everything wished we can have as it says the hypothesis, If we compare the desire of the girl of the eternal Christmas with that of the absolute discretion of the money of the world, we join them with the desire of an own benefit and the evident egoism, but clearly the intentions and up to purposes of both desires are different, the girl makes a wish for something innocent and magic that according to what the consequences announce gets lost, all magic evaporates of something that was extremely special in  past, Whereas the man of the common who asks for the absolute money is different, we can figured out that he does not ask or wish for anything good or special, because the money is associates with the power, and the power derives pride and I believe he (pride) is the father of all the faults and there must exist a point of overload or saturation between how negative or positive  we are, is it what reflects the boredom of his desire, the excess or overflow of something even of the bad customs or purposes disgusts, which now it wants to say that the limits and his capacity that we mention can be equal (in the way according to time in which they are demonstrate) or exhausting in the ages and desires of the persons in spite of the avaricious thing and conformist that one could have ,both the child and the man.

It is as well as according to the examples and according to the maturity or failure of taste for the perfect life, we understand that the quantity of time that we can last supporting ,it is the same for  the greedy conformists who can continue living through the "bad thing" that they wished without any problem but it will not be the same amount of  time for those who wished a supposed good, which  it is possible now to affirm is that it is not an eternal resistance or an eternal quantity of time  and if there exist limits at the time of the nuisance or irritation for the wished life, we find now that even what we wish we can’t support it or to last forever because it has limits and moments in which we got bored and fail or lose the true essence of life for living one it is supposed we are dreaming because it comes by a wish.

Ludy Gabriela Fierro Heredia, Bogotá D.C

7 of june, 2016


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